Sometimes life is way too serious. I love reading and exploring the world of news and international events but on most days headlines are usually filled with an infinite amount of crisis', catastrophes, and collapses. Don't get me wrong, I think its crucially critical to be aware of the stark reality of our world and its inhabitants; I believe we need to know what's wrong in the world so we can engage in finding solutions. I just think that we need some balance. I think the human experience is filled with both depravity and beauty (Eugene Cho), both life and death, and both laughter and sadness. For me I often get too entangled in one side of this emotional spectrum. Thats why I love being around kids. To an early adolescent the worries of todays news headlines mean about as much as what the Prime Minister of Ethiopia (Meles Zanawi) ate for lunch last Thursday (probably some Tibs washed down with some Tej).
This bring me to my point. Whenever I converse with middle schoolers I am reminded of human nature, that at heart we just long to have fun, love, and be loved. Most discussions I have with my students are about current movies, bathroom jokes, sports, and jr. high drama. My immersion in their world balances my strung out, worried-about-everything natural outlook. Today I received an email from my friend Adam, who works with kids too, titled "Middle School Humor". Attatched was the following picture.

I know it may seem silly, but the students in our group would LOVE it if I could pull off getting a tiolet-shaped drinking fountain for them. Lately I've been reminded why I love kids, because within me lives a child who wants life to be simple again. He yearns to spend my days catching reptiles, making fart jokes, and hanging out with friends. It feels great to be brought back into that world every once in a while because it provides us more depth to our endeavors for justice, peace, and advancing the good in the world. When I hang out with kids I am reminded of the redeemable qualities within every human being. That within everyone, no matter how torn and tattered, dwells a young person that just wants to have some innocent fun.
What gives you balance? Are there things or people that can disarm the adult, responsible, worried, and stressed out You and call forth the child, fun loving, simple minded, and care-free You? I think both realities are healthy and full of Truth and my goal is to have a healthy serving of both perspectives. Take time to notice the kid within other as well, and as you do, you may begin to understand that at the core of every individual is the same kid-spirit. Discovering this quality makes loving others, even enemies, much more natural. Celebrating this trait within yourself can excite a fresh thirst for joy.
If you could use a dose of laughter today, watch this video, it gets me every time:
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