Presently I work with kids at a church and for some reason we tend to attract youth with a similar disposition as I had when I was younger. The disposition I'm talking about is the desire to change the world as we know it, to give the middle-finger to the system and all of its oppressive depravity, to rebel against our societies' injustice. When I come across students with this rebellious inkling part of my heart gets really excited. And I just realized why.
Punk students get me excited because I believe God is punk. I believe when God looks at our world and his church and how we his children are exploiting, raping, murdering, and oppressing one another he gets pissed off. I believe that the idealism and punk spirit that questions our world and its institutions, including the church, is a perspective that resonates closely with Gods heart. Jesus himself has often been called a revolutionary. He up-rooted the very institution of established religion, He spoke out for the poor and marginalized, and He gave his very life for his cause.
When I encounter students who are pissed at the world part of me gets excited because I think God is pissed about many of the same things, and its these thing that sucked me into punk, and later attracted me to Jesus. Jesus' upstart heart was passionate and boldly obsessed about bringing healing to the broken, turning greedy hearts into giving hearts, breaking the chains that hold down the oppressed and enslaved, deploying justice to those trapped in exploitation, and the downfall of pretty much everything else evil. To join in a movement like the one Jesus started a requires a certain boldness and courage. This is boldness and courage I see in punk kids who can't wait to change the world. And its this why I love punk kids, because they have the heart that can really shake things up. If these students realized that they share the same punk heart as God and joined in the counter-culture movement Jesus started they would be an unstoppable force for peace, justice, and love.